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The Fundamental Objectives of Early Interceptive Treatment
Dr. Bradford Edgren discusses normalizing the dentofacial skeleton at an early age.
Upper Airway Obstruction – Poor Function Becomes Poor Form
Dr. Bradford Edgren explores a condition that can have a profound influence upon the development of the craniofacial process.
The Frontal Cephalometric Analysis – the Forgotten Perspective
Dr. Bradford Edgren delves into the benefits of the frontal analysis.
Facial asymmetries
Dr. Bradford Edgren Discusses the Importance of Diagnosis and Treatment of Facial Asymmetries.
Early Interceptive Treatment of Impacted and Potentially Impacting Permanent Teeth
Dr. Bradford Edgren illustrates cases where early treatment avoided later complications.
Class II Correction With Maxillary Dentoalveolar Distalization Using the Liberty Bielle®
Dr. Bradford Edgren illustrates a case study with a new Herbst-type appliance.
Maxillary Canine Transverse and Angular Changes Due to Rapid Maxillary Expansion In Early Interceptive Treatment Patients Analyzed with Cone Beam Computed Tomography
The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the changes in the maxillary skeletal width, maxillary canine angulations and transverse widths, and maxillary first molar angulations and transverse widths in early interceptive orthodontic patients with and without rapid maxillary expansion (RME).
The Combined Value of the Frontal Analysis and Growth Predictions
Assessment of Vertical Changes During Palatal Expansion Using Quad Helix or Bonded Rapid Palatal Expander
To determine if there is a significantly different effect on vertical changes during phase I palatal expansion treatment using a quad helix and a bonded rapid maxillary expander in growing skeletal class I and class II patients.


Well, if you are looking for an experienced orthodontist in the Greeley area, you won’t find a more worthy candidate. Brad Edgren has nearly two decades of experience and has been an active member on the American Board of Orthodontics. Aside from being a certified and active member of major orthodontic associations, Dr. Brad Edgren has written many different published articles and studies on orthodontia seen in dental journals, such as the AJODO, Orthodontic Practice US, The American Journal Of Dentistry, and so much more.